American Pure Pork Expands into Mexico’s Foodservice Sector


Strengthening U.S. pork identification in the retail and foodservice sectors in Mexico by differentiating U.S. pork as top quality is a primary market development objective of the U.S. Meat Export Federation (USMEF).

American Pure Pork,” a marketing program that guarantees no water or other enhancements have been injected into a labeled U.S. pork product, is an ongoing promotional campaign with Costco at each of its 27 outlets in Mexico. Gerardo Rodriguez, USMEF regional director for Mexico, Central America and the Dominican Republic, says USMEF is now expanding the American Pure Pork program into the foodservice sector to foster product identification on restaurant menus. 

“Pure Pork is the way pork should be,” Rodriguez said in a previous article on

This campaign is not just aimed at increasing U.S. pork sales in Mexico, Rodriguez explains, but also protecting its long-term position in the market by ensuring consumers retain their preference for the true flavor of pork. 

Promotional funding for the American Pure Pork campaign is provided by the National Pork Board, United Soybean Board, Illinois Soybean Association, Indiana Soybean Alliance and USDA’s Market Access Program and Agricultural Trade Promotion Program.

Through May, U.S. pork and pork variety meat exports to Mexico are on a record pace, he says. Shipments totaled 447,000 metric tons, up 13% from a year ago, while value climbed 17% to more than $890 million. 

Source : Porkbusinnes