People Coming From All Over North America to Enjoy Splash Island


With school back in session and summer over, Splash Island has closed its doors for another season. 

Zapphira Neuschwander, Recreation Manager for the Portage Regional Recreation Authority (PRRA), notes that more people came for a swim this year. Mentioning that they had just under 35 thousand people this year compared to 32 thousand last year. 

Neuschwander says that they had more than Portagers going to Splash Island. 

“We get piles from Winnipeg and across the province who choose to use this as a family meeting space. We have had family reunions with people booking from Saskatchewan.”

She notes that she has even heard that we had people use Splash Island from the United States this year. Neuschwander says that the schools took advantage of the fantastic weather towards the end of the 2022 School year. 

“We had 30 to 36 different schools visit us in June, which is fantastic for us and so fun that those kids can come and experience the pool.”

Neuschwander says overall, they are happy with how the season went this year and are excited to see what next season will hold. 

Source : Portageonline