Tens of thousands march in Mexico City for LGBT Pride

Thousands march for LGBT Pride in Mexico City on 24 June 2023. EFE/Sashenka Gutierrez

Turnout for Saturday’s LGBT Pride March in Mexico City was the largest since before the Covid-19 pandemic against a backdrop of an increase in hate crimes and amid grassroots unease about the corporatization of the event.

Under the banner “Liberty, justice, and dignity, They will never erase us!,” the crowd – authorities expected 600,000 people to take part – made its way from the Angel of Independence monument to the Zocalo, the capital’s massive main square.

Activists complained beforehand about the leading role assumed by media personalities who claim to speak for the LGBT movement even though they have little actual connection with the community.

In the same vein, there were grumbles about the presence in the parade of floats sponsored by companies.

“There are many brands, many firms that (support LGBT people) only during Pride Month,” a man named Richard dressed up like Lady Gaga told EFE. “After the march they forget about the LGBT community.”

Edith Olivares, executive director of Amnesty International Mexico, said that while the country has made advances in LGBT rights, much remains to be done.

“Above all in matters of health. There is a significant problem in the country with shortage of medications, especially those for people living with HIV,” she said.

“Mexico is second in the hemisphere with the largest number of murders of trans women,” Olivares said. “It’s a moment to remember that there is pride, there is celebration, but there are also pending issued and we have to eradicate all forms of violence and discrimination.”

A group that tracks hate crimes against LGBT+ people says that 305 such incidents took place in Mexico during the 2019-2022 period and that 75 percent of those crimes go unreported.

“I feel bad, because I have had friends who have lost their lives,” 23-year-old trans women Angel Luna said at the march.

Source: La Prensa Latina