Trips Abroad From Uruguay Increase 56% During the Holidays


A total of 364,284 people left Uruguay during the holiday known in the country as Tourism Week, 56 percent more than in the same period of 2022, according to data from the National Directorate of Migration (DNM) released yesterday, Monday.

According to the DNM data, 351,260 people entered the South American country during the referred rest period, which lasted from March 29 to April 9.

The most popular destination was neighboring Argentina due to the exchange rate difference that makes that country cheaper for travelers from Uruguay.

The main exit point of the country was the binational bridge of Paysandú (north), on the border with Argentina, with 76,476 departures, followed by the bridge of Fray Bentos, also on the border with the neighboring country, with 74,399 departures.

The Uruguayan department of Colonia (southwest), connected to the Argentine city of Buenos Aires by ferry, concentrated 59,823 departures, while the city of Salto, with a binational

Source: riotimesonline